

Fightclub Challenge is a unique 10-week program combining boxing training with personal development, designed to push you beyond your perceived limitations.

By offering the necessary tools for enhanced focus, balance, and resilience, FCC empowers men to excel as leaders equipped to tackle life's battles with newfound confidence and a purpose-driven mindset.

The physical aspect of the FCC program is designed to build your boxing skills from the ground up while building a fighter's endurance and strength.

The program progresses in two-week blocks to develop striking, defence and sparring. The fitness component will melt away fat, build strength and boost your stamina.

Developed through years of research, application and trial and error, our workshops are designed to go hand-in-hand with your physical training.

You will obtain the tools and strategies to develop an impenetrable 90-day action plan that will have you achieve more in 90 days than what takes most people several years.


The rebirth of a new, more vibrant and confident version of yourself calls for a celebration like no other.

Lights, screaming fans and loads of adrenaline will make Fight Night the most memorable event in your life. Completing what only 1% of the population would even consider doing, you’ll be facing off with an evenly-matched opponent in three two-minute rounds of exhibition sparring bouts.

Stepping into the ring to battle with your old self — armed with what we have taught you — and stepping out of the ring an FCC Champion empowered with purpose, passion, and resilience - more determined to succeed than ever. 

This marks the end of your 10-week journey and a new beginning for the rest of your life.


The first block focuses on Balance inside the ring and outside of it. When all aspects of who we are balance out, we are stable, confident, and feel empowered to act.

Now that our Fighters have a solid plan on how to bring balance into their lives, the next step is to take action and learn how to visualise and understand how the mind works and controls our behaviour.


The best way to shield ourselves is to first understand ourselves. In this block we focus on defence and start to gain a deeper understanding of emotional intelligence and self control.

The final block is all about sparring & taking action. This is all in preparation for the Fight Night; getting you ready to shine in front of your family and friends on the big stage.


Nick embarked on his FCC journey to step out of his comfort zone and explore stretching his limits in other areas of life…

Nathan joined FCC to push himself, get out of his comfort zone, and see what he could achieve…

Brent began his FCC journey aiming for disciplined living and optimal physical health to become his best self…

Patrick took the plunge with FCC, intending not only to seek fitness but also to motivate and alter his mindset…